About Isobel

“I believe the world is going through a rapid transition and more people are starting to understand that healing our emotions and energy body is the best way to heal, change, and grow.”

My calling is to help people see there are alternatives to giving our power to doctors. We CAN heal ourselves and take responsibility for our emotional and physical health. We can welcome new opportunities and inner peace by committing to self-discovery and healing.

My Story

Midway through studying to become a therapist, I faced major turbulence in my life. They say becoming a therapist does that to you. Suddenly, you have the tools to look at yourself with a greater degree of awareness and REALLY see what isn’t working. 

For me, that meant facing the trauma of a failing, abusive marriage…and the low self-esteem that allowed things to go on for too long. But even after braving a divorce, I struggled to speak my truth. I’d find myself sabotaging my potential just as I saw a glimpse of how great things could be. The biggest leap in my personal and professional growth happened when I discovered the energy therapies EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.

These therapies allowed me to access my energy field and unconscious mind to release my limiting patterns and trauma for good.

My Healing Journey

The profundity of my own healing journey is what drives me to share this work. I awakened my spiritual truth, intuition and self-belief, and now I can openly share my opinions and help others.

Using EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and other forms of energy and body work, I’m able to treat and heal people’s root issues at lightning speed. What might take a year using traditional therapy techniques, I can do within months or a few sessions.

I am able to see how personal (and even ancestral) trauma is linked to recurring issues in a person’s life.  I help to heal those experiences, breaking patterns of physical and emotional pain. Then life begins to look incredibly different.

Who I work with

I work with people who are ready to change the areas of their life that are holding them back. 

I also work with coaches, therapists, and lightworkers who are aware of the impact of trauma on everyday life, behaviour, and shadow, and want to do deeply transformative work so they can serve from a place of complete healing.